Origin by Ocean Academy by the Sea training program dives below the surface of the Baltic Sea

The Origin by Ocean Academy training program, launched in the spring of 2024, will continue in August, now diving below the surface of the Baltic Sea. The Academy by the Sea program invites participants to explore the underwater world and its ecosystems through snorkelling.
The Academy is a free and multidisciplinary training program organised by Ori gin by Ocean, a trailblazing Finnish technology and material innovation startup specialising in algae-based products. The training program aims to transfer the company’s internal knowledge about oceans and their potential to ci tizens who are interested in making an impact on the future of our oceans. The two-day training provides students with practical tools to change the world by understanding marine ecosystems.
Turning oceanic challenges into opportunities
The Academy training program brings to life Origin by Ocean’s business pur pose – transforming harmful algae into valuable resources and reducing marine eutrophication. The Academy continues this mission: its goal is to spread knowledge and strengthen the community of ocean advocates and changemakers.
“With the launch of Origin by Ocean Academy in the spring of 2024 and the encouraging experience we have gained, we are excited to continue sha ring knowledge that is meaningful not only to us at Origin by Ocean but also to our community, and empowering citizens through knowledge,” says Mari Granström, CEO of Origin by Ocean.
Delving deeper with a renowned marine biologist
With the guidance of respected marine biologist Ari Ruuskanen, participants in the Academy by the Sea training program will get the opportunity to perso nally explore the shoreline ecosystem that features typical Baltic Sea algae and animals, such as bladderwrack, filamentous algae, and various types of crustaceans.
“The role of shoreline zones in our ecosystem and their significance will be examined to enhance understanding of one of the most important but invi sible environments of the Baltic Sea,” Ruuskanen summarises.
The training combines marine biology lectures with personal observation, sample collection, and examination under expert guidance. The program is open to all interested citizens.
Training program overview
Academy by the Sea is a two-day training program. The first day includes a lecture introducing the ecology and special features of shoreline zones, followed by training in the use of diving masks and wetsuits, and practising swimming techniques.
On the second day, a trip to the shore will be made to apply the lessons learned in practice and make observations of the shoreline ecosystem. The program will conclude with a summary session.
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