Colin Kerr: dynamism and diversity keys to engaging onboard entertainment
In today's world, a cruise's success is also determined by the quality of entertainment it offers passengers
Onboard entertainment is one of the hallmarks of a great cruise, and StarCruises’ assistant vice-president Colin Kerr believes that energy and diversity are the key elements necessary for crafting and implementing exceptional programmes aboard ship.
At an interview held on Wednesday, 26th March, following the launch of StarCruises and Dream Cruises, Kerr remarked: “As times change and we keep getting new generations coming, we’ve had to increase what we do. That’s why we make our shows a lot more energetic and diverse.”
Indeed, the cruise programme for the maiden voyage of the Star Voyager features five nights of activity: musical nights at the Lobby on Deck 5, as well as world-class performances midship at the Zodiac Theatre on Deck 7.
Staying au courant
For baby boomers and Gen X who grew up with the Love Boat on television, the concept of onboard entertainment and cruises in general calls to mind sedate and generally slow-paced life on deck.
Indeed, as Kerr recalls of the cruise scene in the 1990s: “Most thought that cruises were places for old people to go, and they would take their book on and they would settle down on a deckchair and read. You’d have a violin player and the show which was always just like a singing and dancing variety show.”
Of course , that sort of entertainment won’t appeal to current generations who grew up online and are constantly on the lookout for fresh experiences.
Kerr said: “As times change and we keep getting new generations coming aboard, we’ve had to rethink what we do.”
As a result today’s cruises feature lively traditional and pop cultural performances, even show-stopping events to rival many shows on shore.
Kerr further explained: “Attention spans are a little bit shorter now. We have to offer a lot more variety and have people moving around, so that’s what we’re doing now.”
Universal understanding
Interestingly, language is something one won’t have to bother at a performance on either a StarCruises or Dream Cruises voyage.
Kerr said: “One of the things we try not to use in our shows is language because we cater to so many different nationalities. So music is the language of our shows.”
Also, onboard entertainment at these cruises is chock-filled with eye-popping colour and spellbinding visuals.
As Kerr explains: “Gen Z love Instagram and social media. So we have to make everything that we’re showing on stage an Instagrammable moment. You know, the people can be showing their TikTok and all the different things.”